Facing Giants

“Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” “But Lord,” Gideon replied, “how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!” The Lord said to him, “I will be with you. And you will destroy the Mideonites as if you were fighting against one man.””

Judges 6:14-16 NLT

One thing about walking in your purpose is that YOU WILL FACE GIANTS. I’m not only talking about physical giants but also emotional, mental and spiritual giants. Why? Because for every position you walk into, there’s an opposition right next to it to distract you. The bible says it too, 1 Peter 4:12 “Don’t be surprised at the the fiery trials you are going through as if something strange were happening to you” . The reason is because there will always be some kind of giant to face when you enter a new season of your life.

Most people think of Moses when it comes to the story of the Israelites reaching the promise land. But what about Gideon?  In Judges 6 and 7,  the Israelites disobeyed God and now they were suffering at the hands of the Midianites. God heard their cry and appointed Gideon to rescue the Israelites from the Midianites. However, Gideon did not feel qualified for this task.

Why is that when God has called us to do something, we refuse and find ways to disqualify ourselves? Gideon told God that he was the weakest person in his family and had the weakest army. Basically saying “I’m not good enough and I don’t have the resources necessary to fight this battle”.  Gideon’s giant wasn’t that he wasn’t physically strong enough, but rather his self doubt telling him that he was not good enough for this task. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Many times we will tell God, I’m not good enough, I don’t have the qualifications, I don’t come from a strong family background, I’ve lost too much time, I’ve made too many mistakes, etc. We literally tell the same God who made us in HIS IMAGE what he can and cannot do in our lives. 

God’s response to Gideon was “Go with the strength you have”.  Meaning you are already equipped to face this giant. I remember feeling so intimidated during dental school interviews because other applicants were talking  about how they come from a family of doctors and I was just sitting their feeling unqualified because I was first generation. I started questioning if I was good enough because I was focusing on what I didn’t have rather than who God had called me to be. Sometimes the tasks that are before us seem so big that there’s no way we feel  like the vision can really happen.  We don’t feel qualified to step into our purpose and lack enough faith to believe that God has already qualified us. Throughout the Bible God used people who didn’t feel qualified and each time he reiterated that the strength he provides is enough for the tasks he appoints. However, all God wants is our obedience.  Moses’s giant was his speech/stuttering problem, Gideon’s giant his insecurities about his family background, what’s your Giant?

In finding our purpose we must remember: 

  1. We have to stop causing our own storms then ask God why all of this is happening.

God had already removed Israel out of Egypt however their own disobedience craved the comfort of Egypt rather than the freedom of the promise land. The Israelites intentionally disobeyed God  by constantly worshipping idols and not following God’s instruction. In finding your purpose, God will bring you out of your Egypt however, you cannot allow the discomfort and insecurities of entering a new season cause you to want to go back to your Egypt. (Read my blog post “God Brought Me Out of My Egypt”)

2. God is still merciful.

When the Israelites were reduced to literally nothing but starvation, they cried out to God to remove their misery and God heard their call, and appointed Gideon to free the Israelites. No matter how much you mess up there’s still grace.  We serve a God of mercy who renews us daily and has already washed us clean from our sins. So no matter how many times you fall, you still have a purpose.

3.God will ALWAYS get the glory.

Judges 7 : 2 “The Lord said to Gideon : you have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Mideonites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves BY THEIR OWN STRENGTH”. Our walk with God  is designed in a way that he will always get the glory. When you get that new job, new home, marriage, or whatever milestone, none of it should be about you. The reason that God will do more when you have less is so that he will get the glory. People who see your testimony will know that milestone could only have been done by the grace of God. 

4. Everyone can’t come with you as you enter a new season of your life.

I’m not saying you should cut people off just because you feel like it but truly examine your inner circle. Do they push you or pull you away from your purpose.? Judges 7: 3 says tells whoever is timid or afraid to leave this mountain and go home, which left less than half the people that were supposed to fight with Gideon . When you’re facing giants, you cannot have any weak links on your team. You must have strong people behind you to encourage and hold you accountable. I’m not talking about physically strong people, but rather friends that will pray and fast with and for you when God gives you a vision. 

5. A part of your purpose means you will have to transition from being a follower to a leader .

In the text we see a transition in Gideon from being timid and insecure to a leader. He is no longer talking down on himself but rather finding the courage through God to lead the 300 men into battle. Gideon literally went from saying “he is the weakest in his family” to telling the army of 300 men “do just as I do”. As you enter a new season , your speech will change. Life and death truly is in the power of your tongue, therefore whatever you’re speaking will either bring life or death into your purpose.

Most importantly, when you feel most discouraged and feel like it’s not worth it to keep trying remember Judges 6:14“ Go with the strength you have”.


1 Comment

  1. Muna
    October 16, 2020 / 1:47 pm

    “Go with the strength you have” Amen thank you so much my dear for this message really blessed me

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